326 Dots Per Inch
Artist Statement
"This work aims to identify the intersectionality between traditional photographic practice and modern photography. With the rise of widespread image sharing through social media, the intrinsic value of traditionally executed compositions has steadily decreased. By working with a hybrid of digital photography and darkroom processing, I hope to bridge the gap between 'just another photo', and a comprehensive work of art.
My photographs are all taken with a digital camera and then transferred onto my smart phone, where I invert the colors, essentially turning them into film negatives. I utilize the entire darkroom printing process by projecting the 'digital negative' from my smart phone's screen down onto light sensitive photo paper. From there, I run the paper through the chemical and drying process that traditional film photographs are printed through. This combination of modern and historic process presents an intriguing composite of classic Eighteenth Century Romanticism, and the unrefined snapshots that are captured today."